
A New England Shingle 首页 Offers All the Features of a Private Resort

Shope Reno Wharton Architecture; 现有的建筑商; 詹妮弗·查克 Inc.; Gregory Lombardi Design; Schumacher Companies, Inc.; Tischler und Sohn; Robert Benson Photography

In the heart of Wellesley, this classic New England shingle home feels like a private resort. 从一开始, the goal was to create a comfortable hub where large groups could gather, 同时也为个人提供休息的空间. 这个家什么都有——从篮球场, 攀岩墙, 电影院, 家庭健身房,高尔夫模拟器,后院水疗中心. 坐落在一片郁郁葱葱的土地上, 家是威严的, 半西部红雪松瓦, 半个新英格兰田野石, 有三个巨大的石头烟囱, 铜装饰和梯田花园.

Shope Reno Wharton Architecture; 现有的建筑商; 詹妮弗·查克 Inc.; Gregory Lombardi Design; Schumacher Companies, Inc.; Tischler und Sohn; Robert Benson Photography

The elegant architecture and landscape were designed synergistically, 为房主创造一片绿洲, 他们的三个孩子,家人和朋友. The owners had a clear vision and passion for design, and assembled a dream team to make it happen. 这包括Shope Reno Wharton, 现有的建筑商, 詹妮弗·查克室内设计, 和Gregory Lombardi Design. “在一个成功的项目上, 每个人都背着对方冲过终点线,迈克尔·麦克朗说, lead designer and Principal of  the nationally acclaimed architecture firm Shope Reno Wharton. 吉姆Koulopoulos, KVC所有者, 还注意到团队的巨大协作能量, 以及每个人想法的无缝融合.

这个项目细节丰富, 有大量的木制品, 自定义内置模板, elaborate ceilings and European-style Tilt-and-Turn windows by Tischler und Sohn. There is a gentle flow and cohesion between rooms, yet each space has its own distinct character.

Shope Reno Wharton Architecture; 现有的建筑商; 詹妮弗·查克 Inc.; Gregory Lombardi Design; Schumacher Companies, Inc.; Tischler und Sohn; Robert Benson Photography丰富的建筑细节, 明亮的, open kitchen offers an expansive garden view and enough seating for family and friends. 舒适的休息区是这个家庭的必需品, 虽然这个家的整体氛围很精致, 它也很受欢迎. 柔软的纺织品和壁炉使优雅的房间变得舒适.

室内设计师, 詹妮弗·查克, 研究小组以有意识的剂量注入颜色, 在泥土中性色的宁静调色板中. The energy of the space is clean and fresh with subtle shimmers of gold and silver, 偶尔还会有鲜艳的色彩和图案. “Our goal for the interior was to acknowledge the stately architecture with elegance, 同时保持空间平易近人的家庭生活,帕伦博说. Organic textures like reclaimed wood and stone lend warmth, 而特种材料(皮革墙), 例如)赋予家庭精致的个性.  查克在继续, “It’s a treat when we can collaborate with such a strong professional team and engaged clients.”

Shope Reno Wharton Architecture; 现有的建筑商; 詹妮弗·查克 Inc.; Gregory Lombardi Design; Schumacher Companies, Inc.; Tischler und Sohn; Robert Benson Photography

Shope Reno Wharton Architecture; 现有的建筑商; 詹妮弗·查克 Inc.; Gregory Lombardi Design; Schumacher Companies, Inc.; Tischler und Sohn; Robert Benson Photography

A top priority for the residents was for the kids to have study and reading spaces, 加上舒适的地方与朋友闲逛. 他们的每间卧室都有一个学习角, and the entire lower floor is a massive recreation space, 邀请几个小时的玩耍. The home gym walks out to a year-round outdoor spa, with a jacuzzi pool and fire bowl. 房子里最令人印象深刻的部分之一, 是有顶棚的天井吗, with its dramatic fireplace and a heavy duty porch swing suspended from a spectacular fir ceiling.

Shope Reno Wharton Architecture; 现有的建筑商; 詹妮弗·查克 Inc.; Gregory Lombardi Design; Schumacher Companies, Inc.; Tischler und Sohn; Robert Benson Photography

Architect Michael McClung of Shope Reno Wharton collaborated with 景观 Architect Troy Sober of Gregory Lombardi Design for the terracing need to integrate an indoor basketball court/gym/攀岩墙 into the existing landscape. The entire lower level of the home is devoted to entertainment, 包括电影院和高尔夫模拟器. 室外天井有一处富丽堂皇, soaring fir ceiling with wood-panel detail and a New England Fieldstone fireplace.

景观设计师Troy Sober, Gregory Lombardi设计公司的负责人, considered every view from inside the house when creating garden vignettes outside. 从楼梯塔可以俯瞰温泉花园, 早餐的角落俯瞰着玫瑰的海洋, and the sizable window in the dining area offers a view of vibrant cutting gardens and a gorgeous Japanese maple.

“这是一块复杂的土地,Sober说, “and the house was designed to settle into that topography. It was kept hidden behind the existing mature woodland edge, preserving the original driveway entrance and the natural character of the neighborhood.” Two custom lanterns flank the driveway, lending old New England charm. Terraces take advantage of the gradation of the property, 下层作为孩子们的游乐场. 到目前为止, mission accomplished: there’s always something fun to do or a peaceful spot to unwind, 客人想要无限期地呆下去.

Shope Reno Wharton Architecture; 现有的建筑商; 詹妮弗·查克 Inc.; Gregory Lombardi Design; Schumacher Companies, Inc.; Tischler und Sohn; Robert Benson PhotographyShope Reno Wharton Architecture; 现有的建筑商; 詹妮弗·查克 Inc.; Gregory Lombardi Design; Schumacher Companies, Inc.; Tischler und Sohn; Robert Benson PhotographyShope Reno Wharton Architecture; 现有的建筑商; 詹妮弗·查克 Inc.; Gregory Lombardi Design; Schumacher Companies, Inc.; Tischler und Sohn; Robert Benson PhotographyA door from the gym leads down the path to an outdoor spa. A jacuzzi wading pool is surrounded by gardens and feels like its own private island. Terraced lawns work with the natural topography of the plot. The plant palette indicative of finer MetroWest neighborhoods highlights the outskirts of this property then reveals more unique and ornamental landscape as you move inward toward the house.

Shope Reno Wharton Architecture; 现有的建筑商; 詹妮弗·查克 Inc.; Gregory Lombardi Design; Schumacher Companies, Inc.; Tischler und Sohn; Robert Benson Photography


建筑:Shope Reno Wharton Architecture


室内设计:詹妮弗·查克 Inc.

景观设计:Gregory Lombardi Design


窗户: Tischler和Sohn


摄影:Robert Benson

